Sturgess Mortgage Solutions

“There are so many nuances to someone’s financial circumstances.” Phil Harries This unique approach, along with our premium level of expertise, knowledge and service, puts us in the strongest position to help you explore all your options. It allows us to make a difficult process easier, overcome any problems that you might have and ensure that you achieve the right outcomes. At Sturgess Mortgage Solutions, we know that every client has individual needs which is why we take a holistic approach to your finances. In order to be able to find the best solution, we need to know all the factors and challenges. What we do is take an overview of your position, which means that we have a comprehensive look at all your circumstances. This allows us to help you find different ways to use your assets and gain maximum value from them. We're so confident in our service that we don't charge a fee until your Mortgage has been Offered (Approved) in full. A Holistic Approach